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Companies must hire and develop leaders who can handle both good and challenging times. This requires going beyond traditional management strategies. This skill sets up leaders to be able to communicate clearly and understand the needs of others. It has been known that leaders who are more focused on people development are more likely to excel.

Being able to empathize with others is also linked to higher performance in the job. A study found that those who were rated as highly skilled by their subordinates were also regarded as high performers by their boss. Being able to empathize with others is important and can improve communication skills and overall well-being.

Ways to Be an Empathetic Leader

Leaders can learn how to show greater empathy for their subordinates and the people around them by following a set of proven steps.

1. Watch for Burnout in Employees

Work burnout is a real issue that many people face today. They are forced to work longer and harder than ever before. Being able to recognize the signs of overwork in others can help managers prevent it from causing turnover or a workplace disaster.

2. Show Sincerity

It’s important to show sincerity to others about their needs, dreams, and hopes. Part of being an empathetic leader involves working to understand the needs of each team member. This allows the team member to feel valued and supported.

3. Be Willing to Help Employees With Personal Issues

Due to the blurring lines between work and personal life, many leaders are reluctant to support their team members when they have to shoulder the burden of their problems. Having open lines of communication can help team members feel more comfortable sharing their issues.

4. Show Compassion

Being able to establish bonds with people is a great way to show empathy. Even if it’s not possible to relate to the exact loss that one of your team members has experienced, you can still act empathetically.

Tips for Encouraging Empathy in the Workplace

Although being an empathetic leader doesn’t have to be a fixed trait, it can be learned and developed through various means. Some leaders are naturally more inclined to be sympathetic than others. This makes them more effective at displaying empathy than their peers.

1. Talk About It

Leaders must understand that being an empathetic person is as important as keeping a task-oriented mind to control the performance of their team.

2. Teach Listening Skills

Leaders must be good listeners to get the most out of their team members. They should also be able to identify and hear the concerns and problems of their subordinates.

3. Encourage Taking Different Perspectives Seriously

For managers, this can be done by taking into account the personal experiences of their team members. It can also be applied to solving problems and managing conflicts.

4. Cultivate Compassion

Encourage leaders to care about how others feel and how business decisions affect them. This can help them develop more compassionate and responsible behavior.

Being an empathetic leader increases a person’s chances of being successful in the job. This is because being an empathetic leader helps build strong relationships within an organization.