If you are looking to improve yourself in the workplace, there are plenty of great books that can help you achieve your goals. In this article, we will discuss seven of our top reading choices in the professional development category. Each list item will include a link to the book on Amazon, where you can learn more about the entry or purchase it for your own.
1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits is one of the most popular self-help books on the market. Impressively, the book can apply to both work and home contexts. The strategies that Covey shares are easy to understand and rewarding when put into practice.
2. How to Win Friends and Influence People
If you are like most people and have to interact with others in the workplace, consider reading this book. Carnegie’s best-selling work is designed to help you become a more likable coworker and build friendships easily.
3. Who Moved My Cheese?
This book packs a punch, even though it is only 96 pages long. Who Moved My Cheese is a book about how people can respond to change in healthy ways. While few people enjoy change in the workplace, this book will help you take advantage of it to make you and your organization more productive.
4. Deep Work
Deep Work is all about learning to become a more efficient worker by learning how to focus 100% of your energy on one task at a time. The book will help you concentrate, eliminate distractions, and consistently produce your best work.
5. Dare to Lead
Brené Brown’s book is made with both young and experienced leaders in mind. Brown uses stories, personal experiences, and science to help those with responsibility overcome challenges, find solutions, and empower others.
6. Atomic Habits
Atomic Habits teaches people how to practically improve their work by building productive habits and removing harmful ones. The lessons in this work can easily be taught to others, making the book an especially good read for managers, supervisors, and executives.